Cyber Security Solutions

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Cyber Security Solutions

In this modern digital era, cybersecurity is essential. It involves the methods and precautions used to protect our computers, networks, and the valuable data they contain.

This comprehensive defence system guards against unauthorised access and potential threats within the expansive digital world.

Cyber Security Solutions for SMEs

Essentially, cybersecurity acts as the protector of our digital space, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our data. It serves as the first line of defence against various cyber threats that aim to undermine our digital security, making it a crucial aspect of both personal and organisational data and analytics protection.

Cyber Security Solutions for SMEs

How can ITCS Global help?

Through our extensive EDR, XDR & MDR solutions, our Enterprise Managed IT Service (and Cyber Suite service) provides customers with the confidence that not only are their Endpoints protected by advanced Cyber Security solutions, but that their entire IT network and data, locally and in the cloud, is also protected by our SecOps service, monitoring and reacting to threats 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How has Cyber Security evolved?

Cybersecurity has significantly evolved from simple signature-based antivirus solutions to more advanced and comprehensive systems due to the increasing sophistication of threats. Initially, antivirus software relied on known virus signatures to detect and eliminate malware. While effective for known threats, this approach struggled with new, unknown malware, necessitating constant updates.

Cyber Security Solutions for SMEs
Cyber Security Solutions for SMEs

To address these limitations, Next Generation Antivirus (NGAV) solutions introduced heuristic analysis, enabling detection based on behavior rather than known signatures. This allowed for proactive identification of new threats but still had limitations as malware evolved to evade behavioral checks.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions emerged next, providing continuous monitoring and detailed visibility into endpoint activities. EDR could track the lifecycle of an attack, offering real-time detection, investigation, and response capabilities, significantly enhancing threat management.

Extended Detection and Response (XDR) built on EDR by integrating data across multiple security domains like networks, servers, and cloud workloads. This holistic approach improved the detection of complex, multi-vector attacks.

Finally, Managed Detection and Response (MDR) solutions combined advanced detection technologies with human expertise. MDR services offer organisations a comprehensive security solution, utilising SecOps practices to ensure prompt threat detection and mitigation, without needing a full in-house security operations centre.

This evolution reflects the industry’s ongoing efforts to adapt to increasingly complex cyber threats, enhancing detection, analysis, and response capabilities.

Why is cybersecurity important?

The persistent pressures from geopolitical tensions highlight the essential importance of cybersecurity. It protects supply chains, physical infrastructure, and external networks, including key investment partnerships. Organisations that focus on cyber resilience are better prepared to tackle the challenges of this interconnected era, ensuring the integrity and continuity of their operations.

A recent report, “State of Cybersecurity 2023,” unveils a compelling reality: 97% of organisations have witnessed an increase in cyber threats due to geopolitical instability. More than half of these organisations prioritise strengthening defences for third-party and external networks, recognising these areas as particularly vulnerable to attacks. These findings emphasize the crucial role of cybersecurity in maintaining organisational integrity and resilience in today’s complex world.

How does cybersecurity work?

Authorised users are safeguarded through various cybersecurity measures. Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) keep an eye on network traffic, using set rules and anomaly detection to prevent threats.

Encryption transforms data into a format that is unreadable without proper authorisation, ensuring its confidentiality. Endpoint security, which includes antivirus software and intrusion prevention, protects against malware and unauthorized access. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools provide real-time threat detection capabilities.

Penetration testing uncovers vulnerabilities, while security policies and training promote best practices and awareness among users. Incident response plans outline the steps to take following a security breach. Continuous monitoring of network traffic and system logs helps in identifying threats, and patch management ensures systems are updated to fix vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity continually adapts to new threats, safeguarding digital assets in an increasingly digital world.

What is your Business’ Cyber Security Score?

Using the sliders in the form below, simply select the options that most apply to your company / devices

Most “off the shelf” standalone Antivirus solutions like Windows Defender, McAfee, Norton and AVG (free or otherwise, and regardless of bundled “features”) would normally be considered to be either a “Signature” based Antivirus Solutions, or a “NGAV” solution (or somewhere in between), with the other listed options typically being part of a Managed IT Service – if you don’t have a Managed IT Solution, you can probably assume your Antivirus is the lower scoring “Signature” based or “Next Gen” Antivirus Solution. 

The same would apply to the Patch and Update Management services, as well as Asset Tracking, PEN Testing, Dark Web Monitoring and Phishing Testing – these are all features or services that are typically part of a Managed IT Service and/or Cyber Security Solution, and likely not something an un-supported business would have or benefit from by default.

Our Enterprise Managed IT service, including our Cloud+ Suite and Cyber+ Suite give your Business the protection required to obtain a score of 250 – Speak to our Sales team today, or use the link below to get an instant quote…